Been and Being

31/12/2013 14:26

Some writers occasionally confuse the words being and been. Both been and being are both particles of the verb to be.  As a rule, been always comes after the auxiliary or helping verbs has, have, and had. Being’ on the other hand is also a verb (linking verb). It is the present participle of the verb ‘be’. ‘Being’ is always used to form continuous tenses. It is always used after the auxiliary or helping verbs is, are, was, and were

Examples are:


I have been around for five hours.

They have been doing the work lately.

The issue has been settled.

I have never been to Nigeria.

John had been studying before it started raining.

It has been six years since I left school.

The book had been with Mark all this while.


The work is being done presently.

I hate it when people are being cruel to animals.

They are being heartless again.

The stage is being set for the concert tonight.

The movie is already being made in Ghana.

Note that being is also used as a noun to refer to person, existence, essential nature or living thing.

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