"off" is not a verb

29/10/2013 09:44

off is used as a preposition, adverb or adjective. Examples are:

— prep
1. used to indicate actions in which contact is absent or rendered absent, as between an object and asurface: to lift a cup off the table
2. used to indicate the removal of something that is or has been appended to or in association withsomething else: to take the tax off potatoes
3. out of alignment with: we are off course
- adv
1. particle so as to be deactivated or disengaged: turn off the radio
2. particle )
  a. so as to get rid of: sleep off a hangover
  b. so as to be removed from, esp as a reduction: he took ten per cent off
3. spent away from work or other duties: take the afternoon off
4. a. on a trip, journey, or race: I saw her off at the station
  b. ( particle so as to be completely absent, used up, or exhausted: this stuff kills off all vermin
5. out from the shore or land: the ship stood off
6. a. out of contact; at a distance: the ship was 10 miles off
  b. out of the present location: the girl ran off
7. away in the future: August is less than a week off
-  adj 
1. not on; no longer operative: the off position on the dial
2. postpositive not or no longer taking place; cancelled or postponed: the meeting is off
3. in a specified condition regarding money, provisions, etc: well off how are you off for bread?
4. unsatisfactory or disappointing: his performance was rather off an off year for good tennis

Courtesy: D

Off is never a verb. So, it is very wrong to utter expressions like:

Off the phone

Off your shoes

Off the TV.

When you say expressions like the above, you use off as a verb, which ought not to be so.

Rather, introduce verb phrases by adding verbs such as 'turn', 'switch' or 'put' to "off".

E.g Switch off the phone; Turn off your shoes; Put off the TV. In the continous tense, we have expressions like I am switching off the phone (NOT I am offing the phone); you are turning off the TV.


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